Consulting, browsing and using the website www.montecarlotennismasters.com (the “site“) implies unreserved acceptance of the general conditions of use described here below. These conditions may be modified or supplemented at any time, users are therefore encouraged to consult them on a regular basis.
The site is operated by the S.M.E.T.T. (Société Monégasque pour l’Exploitation du Tournoi de Tennis)
1) Copyright
The content, the presentation and each element, including domain names, brands, logos, signs, designs, illustrations, photographs, texts, graphs and other files appearing on the site are the exclusive property of the S.M.E.T.T, with the exception of brands, logos and signs owned by third parties and presented as such. All these elements are protected by the laws in force as regards intellectual property.
No element included in the site may be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, loaded, denatured, transmitted or distributed in any way whatsoever, in any medium whatsoever, in part or in full, without the prior written authorisation of the S.M.E.T.T.
Any reproduction of the brands and/or logos appearing on this site, by any means whatsoever, without prior written authorisation of the S.M.E.T.T, is strictly prohibited.
Communication to the public, in whole or in part, and use for commercial purposes of the content of this site is categorically prohibited.
Any breach of the above provisions would constitute a violation of the rights of the S.M.E.T.T. and would be liable to prosecution, notably for infringement.
2) Links
The links on the site may direct the user to external sites, the content of which cannot in any way engage the responsibility of the S.M.E.T.T. Companies wishing to set up a link to the S.M.E.T.T. must make a prior request online or by mail indicating their company name, activity, URL of their website and address to: info@smett.mc.
3) Personal information
The processing of personal information transmitted by this site is placed under the responsibility of the S.M.E.T.T. in compliance with the legislation in force in the Principality of Monaco relating to the protection of personal information. No site user information is published, exchanged, transferred or assigned to any third party without the user’s knowledge.
The S.M.E.T.T. is very concerned about respecting your private life and scrupulously observes the protection of personal information communicated.
In this regard, this site has been the subject of a declaration of automatic processing of personal data to the C.C.I.N. (Commission de contrôle des informations nominatives).
The collection of personal information by the S.M.E.T.T. is strictly limited to the needs of the services offered on the site, indicating the obligation or not to provide this information when it is to be entered directly by the user of the site.
These data are kept for a period of 5 years from the last contact with our company.
In accordance with the amended law no. 1.165 of 23 December 1993, relating to the protection of personal information and to the regulations applicable in the Principality of Monaco, you have a right of access, rectification, opposition, limitation and deletion of your personal data, when writing, either by email to info@smett.mc or by post, to:
Service Commercial
48, Boulevard d’Italie – Le Puccini
BP 212
4) Cookies
Our site is designed to be particularly attentive to the needs of our clients. This is one of the reasons we use cookies. The purpose of cookies is to indicate your visit to our site. Cookies are therefore only used by www.montecarlotennismasters.com for the purpose of improving the personalised service intended for you.
A “cookie” is a text file that records information relating to the browsing of an Internet user on sites, but it does not allow the identification of the user who remains anonymous. The statistics provided by cookies make it possible to know the level of activity of our website, as well as the most visited pages. They are necessary for the provision of our services and are only intended to improve our services.
If you continue to browse, in accordance with the legal provisions in force, you accept the use of Cookies for a maximum period of thirteen (13) months. You can, however, refuse the use of Cookies by modifying your Web browser settings as follows:
– On Internet Explorer:
1. Go to Tools & Internet Options
2. Click on the privacy tab
3. Click on the advanced button, check the box “Ignore automatic management of cookies”
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1. At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP), then select Options
2. Select the Privacy panel
3. Configure Storage rules: use the personalised settings for the history
4. Uncheck Accept cookies
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1. Click on the Chrome menu icon
2. Select Settings
3. Click Show advanced settings
4. In the “Confidentiality” section, click on Content settings
5. Select “Prohibit all sites from storing data”
5) Responsibility
The user is fully and solely responsible for the use of the information on this site, and assumes all the consequences that may result from using it without holding the S.M.E.T.T. in any way responsible.
The S.M.E.T.T. makes every effort to provide users of the site with previously verified and useful information and tools. It cannot, however, be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information or the presence of viruses on the site.
The photographs and texts reproduced are not contractual.
Despite the care taken by the S.M.E.T.T. regards the information contained on this site, it cannot however be held responsible in the event of error, false information or approximate information, neither for lack of or insufficient translation, in particular relating to the contents, timetables, prices, menus, maps, descriptions …
6) Applicable law and disputes
These terms of use and the relationship between the S.M.E.T.T. and users of the site are subject to Monegasque law and any dispute that has not been able to find an amicable outcome will be brought before the courts of the Principality of Monaco.
7) Publication/Hosting/Design
This site is published by the S.M.E.T.T.
Legal form: Limited Company
Capital: 150,000 euros
RCI number: 05S04389
Intra-community VAT number: FR90 000070739
Headquarters: 48 Boulevard d’Italie BP 212 – Le Puccini – MC 98004 MONACO
Phone: + 377-97-98-70-00
Email: info@smett.mc
Director of publication: Mr. Alain MANIGLEY
This site is hosted by: MONACO TELECOM – www.monaco-telecom.mc/
6 avenue Albert II – MC 98000 MONACO
Phone: + 377-99-66-33-00
This site was designed and produced by: FEDERALL – www.federall.net/
36 Avenue de l’Annonciade – MC 98000 MONACO
Phone: + 377-99-99-99-97
8) Contact Website
For any questions or requests regarding the use of this site, please contact the webmaster at the following address: info@smett.mc.