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  • Scores
  • Media
  • Tickets
  • Hospitality
  • Practical information
  • Animations
  • JOBS


S.M.E.T.T. (Société Monégasque pour l’Exploitation du Tournoi de Tennis), who will be responsible for organising the Press and Television services at Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters, and the Press Commission, will be your host at the next tournament.

For all accreditation requests, please fill in the form hereafter before 01 March 2025.

After registration of your accreditation form dully filled in (including media assignment, valid press card, identity photo), the Commission Press will send you its decision as soon as possible.

French: CCIJP or UJSF / Foreign: AIPS

Please attach your press card as a PDF file (less than 4 MB).

File name:

File size:

Please attach your mission order as a PDF file (less than 4 MB).

File name:

File size:

Please attach your photo (less than 2 MB)

File name:

File size:

Due to the difficulties of parking in the Principality, the Tournament Organisation cannot guarantee the systematic allocation of parking access rights. Please contact us as soon as possible if you would like to be allocated a parking space.

Subject to availability

One per branch, subject to availability

Declares and certifies, while being able to justify it at the first request of SMETT, to be :

Accreditation chart
Acommodation press

Mr. David Massey
e-mail : dmassey@smett.mc

Mme Catherine Chessa
e-mail : cchessa@mccc.mc